Rauschcomplex is also aware of its responsibility towards the environment and people. That's why we try to pay attention to sustainability and ethics in all our decisions. We strive to become more sustainable every day and reduce our economic, social and environmental footprint. We are convinced that sustainability helps us all have a more sustainable and successful future.

Plastic-free packaging
Envelopes made from recycled waste paper
Envelopes without plastic windows
Cardboard boxes made from recycled paper
Bracelets and buttons produced in Germany
Without plastic closure
So far two bracelets made from recycled PET
In planning: bracelets made of bamboo fiber

Made from recycled paper
Rausch complex is a customer ofGLS Bank
Social and ecological company
No speculation on international financial markets
Lending to sustainable companies

Email service
Rausch complex uses the e-mail service fromPosto
100% green electricity from Greenpeace Energy
Saving electricity and Co2